E200: Empire Over Retire: How to Create a Life You’ll Never Retire From

In this episode, the discussion centers on Nate’s belief that everyone has the opportunity to build their personal empire. However, this requires them to avoid the typical retirement planning tools given to the masses. Additionally, Nate will share precisely what you should focus on and contrast that with the usual retirement planning path.

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Topics Discussed:

  • What is the Empire Pathway
  • How does empire building produce different results and use different strategies than the typical retirement pathway
  • Explore the concept of creating your own financial empire and its potential for lasting wealth
  • Understand why deviating from typical retirement planning approaches can lead to a more prosperous future
  • Gain insights into the differences between pursuing a personal empire and following conventional retirement planning methods
  • Learn how shifting your mindset towards empire-building can foster financial independence and security

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