Category: Infinite Banking

E189: Why Ancient Jewish Wisdom is the Key to Building Lasting Wealth

E189: Why Ancient Jewish Wisdom is the Key to Building Lasting Wealth

In this episode, join Nate as he welcomes back the renowned guest, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, to discuss how ancient Jewish wisdom can revolutionize your wealth-building journey. They also discuss the destructive nature of retirement goals and explore alternative focal points for building lasting wealth.

E187: The 3 Essential Rules of Generational Wealth Creation You Need to Know

E187: The 3 Essential Rules of Generational Wealth Creation You Need to Know

In this episode, join Nate and Holly as they unveil the three transformative rules of wealth creation. By implementing these rules, you can revolutionize not only your own life but also the lives of future generations, and it will surely reshape your financial trajectory. We will guide you toward unlocking the path to economic liberation.

E186: How to Accomplish Great Things with Infinite Banking and Be Financially Free

E186: How to Accomplish Great Things with Infinite Banking and Be Financially Free

In this episode, join Nate and special guest Chris Bjorling, a successful serial entrepreneur and long-term client. They explore Chris’s fascinating journey into the world of Infinite Banking and his impressive achievements since starting his policy seven years ago. They also discussed how he began his lending company, which our audience can invest in.

E182: What Infinite Banking is Really All About

E182: What Infinite Banking is Really All About

In this episode, Nate delves into the true essence of Infinite Banking. Whether you have been practicing IBC for years or just starting to explore the concept, this episode will bring incredible clarity to what “becoming your own banker” can accomplish for you.