Category: Blog

Building Wealth with the 3 Pillars of A Fulfilling Life

How To Build Wealth Through Faith, Community, and Purpose

Explore the three pillars of living a fulfilling life and how they can be your key to building substantial wealth. Learn actionable tips on effectively integrating this approach into your life and your financial strategy. Join us as we unveil how to build wealth with infinite banking to not just save, but also grow your

The 3 Pillars Of Financial Independence With Infinite Banking

If you constantly ask yourself “how can i be financially independent?” then this blog post is for you. Learn the three essential pillars of financial independence and how Infinite Banking can revolutionize your approach to wealth management. Dive into our expert insights and actionable strategies to start building your path to lasting financial freedom today!

Is Infinite Banking Possible Without Whole Life Insurance?

Dive into the world of Infinite Banking and explore alternative strategies for achieving financial freedom without traditional banking or whole life insurance policies. Discover smart approaches like Velocity Banking and margin accounts, and find the best fit for your financial goals.

Whole Life Insurance: Scam or Smart Investment?

The debate surrounding the infinite banking system has stirred controversy for years. While some champion its advantages for building wealth and financial security, others dismiss it as a a simple scam. In this article, we debunk misconceptions, and uncover the compelling reasons why whole life insurance remains a smart investment choice for many.

How a Cancer Diagnosis Transformed Our COO’s Relationship with IBC

In 2022, Living Wealth’s COO, Holly Reed, was diagnosed with cancer. This transformed her outlook on life and Infinite Banking. IBC expert Nate Scott joins the conversation, sharing his own revelation after founder Ray Poteet’s passing. Together, they emphasize the importance of living authentically and aligning with purpose.

Why Policy Transactions Are NOT Expenses!

Discover how to be your own bank with life insurance and why policy transactions, such as loans and repayments, are not expenses but vital components of your financial strategy. Dive into the fundamentals of balance sheets, income statements, and Infinite Banking to make informed decisions and secure your financial future.

Best Insurance Companies for Infinite Banking, and other FAQs!

Dive into the top 5 frequently asked questions, including the best insurance companies for infinite banking. From designing your infinite banking policy to understanding policy growth, this article provides invaluable insights to help you navigate the complexities of infinite banking and achieve financial freedom.

Which Investments Should You Fund Using IBC Policies?

Unlock the full potential of your investments with IBC insurance policies. Learn which ventures pair seamlessly with IBC strategies, ensuring consistent cash flow and enhanced wealth accumulation. Whether you’re new to IBC or a seasoned investor, this guide includes insights and tips to optimize your wealth-building strategy.

3 Reasons Why You Should Own Multiple Infinite Banking Policies

Why should you own multiple infinite banking policies? Is there some sort of magic behind them? Can’t you just have the one, or do you need to divide them into multiple smaller ones?  If you’ve dipped your toes into the world of Infinite Banking, you’ve likely heard enthusiasts talk about their multiple life insurance policies—50