Category: Infinite Banking

E204: How to Understand a Real-World Infinite Banking Policy Illustration Best

E204: How to Understand a Real-World Infinite Banking Policy Illustration Best

In this follow-up to episode 203, you’ll get an insider’s perspective on reading policy illustrations effectively. Your host, Nate, will walk you through actual illustrations to showcase the typical trajectory. You’ll better understand the critical elements like premium payments, cash value accumulation, and death benefit growth.

E201: Surprising Answer to What Happens When You Can't Pay Your IBC Policy Premium?

E201: Surprising Answer to What Happens When You Can’t Pay Your IBC Policy Premium?

In this episode, Nate demystifies the consequences and outlines effective strategies to keep you on the path to financial autonomy. Learn how to turn a potentially stressful situation into an opportunity for financial growth. Arm yourself with knowledge, plan for the unexpected, and transform your financial future. Don’t let a hiccup derail your journey—tune in

E200: Empire Over Retire: How to Create a Life You’ll Never Retire From

E200: Empire Over Retire: How to Create a Life You’ll Never Retire From

In this episode, the discussion centers on Nate’s belief that everyone has the opportunity to build their personal empire. However, this requires them to avoid the typical retirement planning tools given to the masses. Additionally, Nate will share precisely what you should focus on and contrast that with the usual retirement planning path.