Category: Blog

infinite banking

What is Infinite Banking and why is it an Important Concept?

The way the average person saves in America is fundamentally broken. Even your typical person who could be classified as fiscally responsible spends approximately 30 percent of their income on interest on loans and debt, and saves approximately 10 percent of what they make. What is important about infinite banking is the process and not

retirement savings

American Retirement Savings in 2016: Average Amounts By Age

A recent study by Investopedia dug in depth into the average amount of money people in America have saved for retirement during each decade of their adult lives. The results give some indication as to the average person’s amount of money plus their mindset regarding savings at certain periods of their lives. One study from

don't trust banks

Nearly Half of All Americans Don’t Trust the Banks

  For years, especially since the recession, Americans have been growing increasingly distrusting of the country’s banking system. People realize banks are getting rich off of their money, and that they’re paying loans back with alarming interest rates, essentially wasting thousands of dollars over the course of many years. It comes as no surprise, then,

Why the financial system is stacked against you

Do you ever feel that the financial deck is stacked against you? For many of us, there’s so much money going out the door every month that it’s hard to get ahead, let alone secure your family’s future. You may have gotten an inkling of it on that momentous day when you signed your mortgage

The 3 Brilliant Secrets of the Financially Independent

If you’re an average adult in America today, you go out in the world and work. You get our money and just spend while hoping there’s money left over at the end of the month to put into savings. I’m telling you that’s an easy way to find yourself in financial slavery. Think about it.

Get out of the rat race- Bring the money back to you

Whether April Fool’s day is just around the corner or it has come and gone many of us still feel like fool when it comes to finances, retirement programs, money, and investments. I know that I felt this way until I learned about the Priviate Family Financing (PFF).  Ask yourself, “Have you ever been the

Winning the Wealth Game by Playing It Safe – and Smart

The leaves are coming back; the grass is growing; it is spring! And that means time for spring cleaning. Cleaning your houses, cleaning out your closets, but how about cleaning up your finances? The holidays are over and people normally spend lots of money over the winter. So as spring cleaning arrives why not clean