E58: Ray Poteet on How to Build and Leave Wealth

Ray Poteet joins us to share strategies and tactics for building and leaving a legacy of wealth. A must listen for any parents, grandparents, and expecting grandparents who are wanting to build and leave wealth.
E57: How to Become Prepared for Unexpected Financial Crises

In this episode, we discuss how to best position yourself to make it through the unexpected catastrophes of life, both big and small. Plus, we’ll share how infinite banking can be a great foundation to have in place when the unexpected hits.
E56: Avoid These End of The Year Tax Misconceptions
In this episode, we discuss two end of the year tax strategy misconceptions that you should avoid. We’ll also deep dive on how to think big picture when you’re making your tax plan.
E55: Are Your Money Decisions Being Compromised by Emotions
We discuss the danger of letting your emotions dominate your decisions. We also share how you can learn to start with your head, not with your heart.
E54: How to Avoid the Fees of Opportunity Cost
In this episode, we discuss the impact opportunity cost has on your money. Plus, we’ll share how you can avoid missing out on the wealth caused by idle or misused dollars.
E53: What is the Best Investment You Can Make
In this episode, we will discuss the best investment you can make and how infinite banking can help you become a better investor. Tune in to this episode of the podcast and find out now.
E52: The Big Danger of Universal Life Insurance
In this episode, we discuss the dangerous pitfalls of trying to use Universal Life Insurance to act as a bank. Plus, we explain why Participating Whole Life Insurance as your IBC banking tool is far superior.
E51: Three Concealed Bank Myths Costing You Money
Find out about the three most common myths about banks costing you money. Changing the way you think about banking can put thousands of dollars in your pocket.
E50: The Three Best Rules to be Successful Financially
In this episode, we discuss what we believe are the three biggest rules you should follow to be successful financially.
E49: Is the Financial Bubble About to Burst
In this episode, we discuss what Ron Paul calls, “The biggest financial bubble in the history of mankind,” and how you can survive the next financial disaster.