E26: Clayton Morris Shares Smart Advice on How to Invest in Real Estate

In this episode, we’re joined by special guest Clayton Morris. He’s here to share how easy it is to invest in real estate and attain real financial freedom. And he gives easy to follow action steps for you to start investing sooner rather than later through this company Morris Invest.

Clayton Morris is the weekend anchor for Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel. He also owns Morris Invest which is an incredible opportunity for those looking to get into real estate. It’s at an affordable level and more of a turnkey approach than you’d typically learn.

He’s personally a successful real estate investor. And in this episode, he teaches us a lot about how to invest in real estate in a way that makes it simple and easy for almost anyone.

Money Mindsets and How to Invest in Real Estate Topics Discussed:

  • How and why a news anchor became a big real estate investor in his spare time
  • Dispelling limiting beliefs about money and real estate investing
  • Simple methodologies for undoing the bad money programming of the past
  • Scarcity Vs. Abundance mindsets
  • Strategies that work for generating passive income with investment properties
  • Why the midwestern US is so interesting and profitable
  • How to manage properties handsfree and stress-free

Episode Takeaways:

Episode Resouces:

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Podcast transcript for episode 26: How to Invest in Real Estat

Nate: In this episode, we have special guest Clayton Morris here to share how easy it is to attain financial freedom through real estate. And he gives easy to follow action steps for you to start investing sooner rather than later through this company Morris Invest. She’s Holy, and she helps people find financial freedom.

Holy: He’s Nate, he makes sense out of money. This is Dollars and Nonsense. If you follow the herd, you will be slaughtered.

Nate: We’re here with a special guest Clayton Morris. We were introduced to him recently, and he’s actually the weekend anchor for Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel. He’s a wonderful real estate investor, he’s taught us a lot about real estate, and he has owned a company Morris Invest that is a really incredible opportunity for those looking to get into real estate to be able to do so at an affordable level, more of a turnkey approach and returns are out of this world. So we’re very lucky to have him on the show. Clayton, thank you for being here.

Clayton Morris: Hey, thanks guys for having me. Great to be back and great to talk with you guys again.

Nate: Absolutely. So Clayton we wanted to hear from you, we haven’t heard much of your background in our time together we’ve known each other. But you do the weekend anchor on Fox and Friends, which is incredibly interviewing presidents and senators and the like. And then you also find plenty of time to get into the real estate world and help others find financial freedom in that. So we were curious, what brought you as a news anchor to become so big in the real estate world and what drove that in your life?

Clayton Morris: Well as a kid, I would sneak downstairs and watch Letterman and Carson, and my parents thought I was in bed. And something about the medium of television, just being able to have fun that way … I conned my dad into buying a camcorder back then so I could make home videos of my buddy Mike across the street. We’d make fake news casts and shoot Batman videos, all that kind of stuff. Make little skits, so I was a huge Monty Python fan, so sketch comedy stuff we would shoot. And I just loved watching Letterman turn the cameras around and show you the behind the scenes, his cue card guy, spilling coffee. And not being afraid to call attention to some of the ridiculous things that could go on.

So that always sort of informed my impression of live television. I loved my first job out of college was a producer for Good Day LA, I moved to Los Angeles and tried to get started out there. And it was really great watching this live, crazy morning show, and anything would happen. Celebrities would come in and they just would have a blast, and it was all around Los Angeles. And I got to witness that excitement that live television vibe, where anything can happen at any moment. And at the time, they would even solicit viewers, send us a message. Go ahead and fax us. That was back when people were using fax, now people send a message on Twitter and we’ll read it on air! Back then it would people would send a fax. So I would run into the room and grab faxes off the fax machine and run ’em out to the news anchors.

So I loved that, and living across the country I got to witness, I was always renting from people. And I just grew up with this idea, you had to move around, you had to work for somebody else in order to make money in order to build wealth. But I was always renting from people. So while I was being a news anchor, I also simultaneously was becoming aware of real estate in a roundabout way. So living across the country in the news business makes that happen, I guess.

Nate: And so you’ve been on the flip side of it. So now you are the landlord, but you had plenty of experience as a renter, just the nature of what it is. Okay, that’s great. And I know that you’re very passionate about helping people develop a good sense of what money really is and how it can be used, instead of being afraid and having negative associations with money. So what about what you’re doing now helps people overcome that?

Clayton Morris: Well I think speaking about, my podcast, I talk about this a lot. I have a podcast called the investing and real estate podcast. And it’s not just about real estate, what I try to talk about there is a lot of the limiting beliefs. What I find is that it’s not just about acquiring rental properties or building wealth. There’s always something holding people back that keeps them I think from taking action. And it kind of manifests itself in different ways. For some people, it might be that they grew up with negative associations with money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, we’re not the Rockefellers, we can’t afford that. And so you come to see money as a negative in your life. And when you perceive money as a negative, like I did growing up, then you think it’s gonna come to you? You’re adversarial toward money your whole life. Do you think it’s gonna flow to you? Of course not. You have this negative association where you turn your nose up when other people are being successful.

And what I talk about on my podcast is a lot of wealth building starts with mindset. Yes, it’s helpful to line up your proper investments, a lot of what you guys talk about, and make sure you have certain things in place. But at the end of the day, if you still are coming from a place of negative wealth building in your brain and your mind and your heart, then that one rental property’s not gonna change anything for you. Once you can begin to understand that money flows through you, it’s not something you can hold onto, and that there’s no need for greed, keeping money rather than donating it, allowing it to flow through you, creates more abundance. I really believe in floating the collective consciousness, helping people from all walks of life … what’s the term? Rising tide raises all boats, right.

So if you’re there as a greedy guy in the corner trying to hold onto money, it’s not going to help other people, and therefore abundance is not going to come to you.

Holly: So true. So I was talking to an individual today, and he said basically his whole life, he has learned to work harder not smarter. And you really have a belief of really establishing financial freedom. So what do you think that first step is in overcoming the negativity associated with money, and how do you achieve financial freedom?

Clayton Morris: Well there’s a lot of components to that. I would say the first thing, what I started to do, I know for some of your listeners who think this is kind of pie in the sky or woo-woo kind of stuff, it’s not. Get that out of your head, I’m from Philadelphia. I don’t come from a frilly background. But sitting down every day with positive affirmations and truly making it a part of your mantra. This stuff was burned into my brain as a child, hearing my mom constantly saying we’re not the Rockefellers or we can’t afford that. So that must be nice. So all of those memes, they build up. It’s very important about how we talk to our children. So I had that as baggage my whole life, and so I needed to find a mechanism to overcome that.

It’s just like learning any new skill, picking up the guitar for the first time. If you don’t have a wealth consciousness, you’re not gonna be able to do this overnight. If you haven’t played guitar before, you’re not gonna be able to pick it up and start playing an Eric Clapton song. You’re gonna have to practice for a number of years to get that proficient, or longer. And you’ll never stop learning. The first mechanism is like every day getting a journal out and every day, reminding yourself of what you’re grateful for. And writing the things down, because that’s where true wealth comes from. It’s in recognizing that it’s already here, and so I would write that down every day. And I started to realize and in my meditations every morning and evening, repeating a mantra about wealth building and prosperity being here.

I look at it this way: when you make an order with a waitress or a waiter at a restaurant, you know that that food is coming most of the time.

Holly: Right, most of the time.

Clayton Morris: We place that order and we get out of the way. And that is truly the key to this positive thinking and wealth building consciousness, which is if you realize that wealth building is a manifestation of our thoughts, placing that order with the universe and knowing that it’s coming, then you will start to take those steps with goals and other things in your life that aren’t aligning with those affirmations. And I know it seems hokey, that is honestly the first step. ‘Cause if you’re out of alignment, then it’s not ever gonna come to you.

Nate: That’s a good point, yeah. Scarcity mindset has impoverished more people than the economy and the factors that are included in that. Plenty of people prosper in bad economies, but some people fall pretty to them, and I totally agree. It’s just because they have a bad association with money. And so your goal, as we’ve already been talking about, is to try to turn that around. You mainly have been doing that in the world of real estate as far as helping people, helping yourself as well I’m sure, in the world of real estate, trying to build wealth in that way. And you mentioned things, one of your biggest things that you want people to understand for themselves is how to calculate a freedom number, you call it. And so can you expound to our audience what you mean by freedom number and how they can calculate it?

Clayton Morris: Sure, and for anyone who’s driving right now, don’t worry about writing down all these numbers. I can give this away, I have a free three page PDF you can download.

Nate: And that’s on morrisinvest.com. We’ll give that at the end too in the show notes. But they get that, is it morris invest or should they go to your personal page?

Clayton Morris: Yeah it’s super simple, you can go to morrisinvest.com/freedom, and it’ll pop right up, you can download it. And it’s free, it’s like three or four pages, and what you’ll do is sit down with your partner, sit down with your spouse, grab a glass of wine, and grab your laptop, and get honest with yourselves. And I want you to take, this came out of frustration from my wife and I, literally in tears. Because here I was a news anchor for a major network, I had two rental properties, but I still had this negative association with money. And it’s still not enough money at the end of the month. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, and my wife said to me, “we can’t pay our mortgage this month.” I said “what are we doing? What’s happening here?”

And I just jumped up with a marker on my white board, I said wait a second. These two properties that we have are consistently producing $800 a month in passive income from our tenants. We paid like $45,000 for the properties total after we rehabbed them, total all in. They have been a rock for us. What if we figured out a way to look at our monthly expenses and then reverse engineer how much our monthly expenses would take to be covered by rental properties? And we would be then financially free. So that was the genesis of this idea of the freedom number. I wrote this goal down, we mapped it all down on the white board, and I said this is our number. And our freedom number at the time was like 12. 12 rental properties would have given us financial freedom.

Most people say, and this is where this was born out of, most people say when you ask them what they want money-wise, they say I want to be a millionaire. And it’s such an arbitrary number and it’s totally meaningless, like why a million?

Nate: Yeah, exactly. We talk about that on this show as well Clayton, about don’t be nest egg minded. You have to be cash flow minded. You’re exactly right. There’s plenty of people who have this magic number, but it doesn’t bare any weight because it doesn’t produce any cash flow. So you have to literally liquidate your assets in order to produce income, which is a time game at that point. Whereas what you’re discussing is passive income can in for generations if you build it correctly.

Clayton Morris: Right. And so what I ask people to do is look at six months of their expenses. So disregard the holidays, maybe take February through the summer, six months. What does a typical month look like for you including everything, Netflix subscriptions, groceries, gas bills, car, et cetera. Right, mortgage payment. And then pad it by 10%, so trips, entertainment, movies, stuff like that. What does that look like over six months? What’s the average of those six months? Is it $6,000 a month? And then how many rental properties would it take for you to cover that? Guess what, imagine having 10 rental properties that cover your monthly expenses. That’s financial freedom. You now have all of your family expenses covered, and the fear of having to answer to a boss. What happens if I lose my job, or what happens if … it mitigates that fear associated with money. Plus it puts you in the driver’s seat, not to mention all the incredible tax benefits of owning real estate and everything else.

But just the idea of financial freedom, and that’s where I came up with the freedom number. So that’s what that teaches you how to do.

Holly: Are you tired of being stressed about money? The dollars and nonsense podcast is sponsored by Living Wealth. Visit livingwealth.com/freedom to get your free smart money ebook and sign up for a personal wealth presentation today. Living Wealth is a family owned and operated business, which works with individuals, families, and even business to slay the money stress dragon. Our clients receive individual coaching regarding wealth creation, and how to create a retirement income. You’ll be enabled to have cash today and in the future. Since 1972, Living Wealth has been committed to educating smart people on basic money principals to assist them in becoming debt-free and finally find financial freedom. Let us help set you free. Remember to visit livingwealth.com/freedom to receive your free ebook and even sign up for an individual wealth presentation today.

Nate: If you like the work we do here, be sure to tell others what you think. Leave us a review on iTunes. You can go to livingwealth.com/iTunes to get to the show quickly.

Holly: Once on iTunes, click on the ratings and review. Then click the button that says write a review. Just a few nice words and a five star review is all we ask.

So Clayton, your number was 12 and people’s will differ of course. And so for listeners that say I’m just the average Joe, what would you say to them in regards to getting started with real estate investing?

Clayton Morris: So the average Joe, I think it starts with one thing. What my company does at Morris Invest is help just average people who are super busy, and average can be anybody. It could be a doctor, it could be a school teacher, it could be a principal at a high school, it could be anybody who doesn’t want to swing a hammer, doesn’t want to hit dry wall-

Nate: That would be me.

Clayton Morris: Right. Doesn’t want to manage properties, doesn’t want to find properties which is the hardest piece of this entire puzzle, to find great deals. So that’s how I built my company. I built my company for myself. So I started doing this myself, finding great properties with my team, hiring my contractor’s team, the whole pieces of this, and started rehabbing properties and putting tenants in place. Well I built that for myself, and then it just grew organically, when our mom was our first client and she said I’ve got $40,000 to buy a property. Can you help me get one? And she said sure. And she said by the way, you’re gonna have to do everything for me ’cause I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. I said no, of course. I’m not gonna make you rehab it, we’ll handle it, my team will do it. And it will be up and managed with the property management property, and you’ll get $900 a month in cash flow. And she said great. And it’s been like that ever since.

Nate: It’s always great to try out new deals with your mom.

Clayton Morris: Right, this better work. Yeah exactly.

Nate: ‘Cause things from there can be a little bit rough next year.

Clayton Morris: Right, no and then she’s like forgiving in that way.

Nate: That’s true.

Clayton Morris: But it grew from there. And then it was my sister, and friends, and friends of friends. And I have to say that over the years I’ve learned that you’re either a hands-on investor or you’re a hands-off investor. So to answer your question, it’s like you have to get real with yourself in the beginning. Is this something you want to do because you watched an HDTV show and you want to go out on the weekends and do it yourself? And if you really do, then you need to be honest with yourself. You need to know that okay, I want to be more hands-on. I want to contact a local realtor, I want to find a great deal, and I want to go and do it myself.

The second point is if you don’t want to create another job for yourself, you just want to create passive income, then there are other options for you like finding someone else to do it for you. So those are two options. The other thing I would say is it all comes down to ROI. It all comes down to numbers and to not be emotional with real estate investing. So I learned my lesson from an investor who was able to travel and spend three months in New Zealand with his life. And I said what do you do for a living? He said I’m a real estate investor. I said wow, the fact that you can go and do that, I want in on this. What he taught me was don’t get emotional about real estate investing. Focus on ROI, on return on investment, and make sure your numbers make sense.

So for all of my properties, my goal, I don’t buy the property unless it hits that number. I don’t get emotional about it. So it has to hit between a 10 and 12% net ROI for my clients. And if it doesn’t hit that, I don’t buy it.

Nate: And how do you calculate the ROI on a rental property? Just give us some example numbers for people listening and what it is.

Clayton Morris: Sure, so this is my back of the book. I always have my little calculator right on my desk. And any time a deal comes across my desk, if I’m analyzing it, it’s real simple. So heres how you figure out return on investment. So what I want to do is take the monthly rent, so let’s say it’s $700 a month. So 700 times 12 gets me $8400. So that’s 12 months, so that’s the gross return that I should expect from this property. Now what’s the net return? Well I’m super conservative with my numbers. So now I want to take out 40%. Why am I taking 40% out? I’m taking 40% out for vacancies potentially, maybe repairs, taxes, property management. So I’m gonna take out 40%.

Now I have high level investors who are friends of mine who own 800 properties and laugh at me for taking 40% out, ’cause it never gets to 40%. They even think 30% is too much. I have investors that will do 20% as their number. But I do 40 so that I know no matter what, I’m gonna have an amazing return. And I’m gonna multiply that times .6, that removes the 40%. So I’m left with about $5,040 on this ball park number. And then I divide that by the all-in cost of the house. So let’s say it cost me $40,000 total, maybe I bought it for 25 and I fixed it up for $15,000 total, $40,000 I’m gonna divide $5,000 by 40,000. That leaves me with an ROI of .12, move the decimal point over, that’s a 12 and a half percent ROI net, which is a phenomenal return any way you slice it.

If you look at the stock market, what is it, three percent, four percent?

Nate: After fees and everything, for sure. Very easily.

Holly: After fees, yeah.

Clayton Morris: So that gross ROI was probably over 20%. So that’s how I figure out ROI, and by the way, when I look at my properties, because I’m doing a rehab on the property, even though I accounted for repairs, I don’t have repairs to worry about for 10 to 15 years. I put in a new water heater, I put in a new furnace, I’m putting in new plumbing, new electric, updating the roof, and putting in new windows and taking care of those main systems. And then all the other stuff’s just cosmetic, carpet, drywall patches and stuff like that. The other stuff is easy. That’s the main systems, and those now are gonna last 10 to 15 years without having to worry about a repair. So that 40% I’m taking out is a total conservative number ’cause I just don’t have repairs to worry about.

Nate: Sure. My biggest question and probably those listening, when they hear Clayton talking about 40,000 all- in homes, or 45,000 all-in homes, in most places in the country, that is ridiculous you would almost say. So Holy in Carlsbad, that being said … so how are you able to operate this? ‘Cause Clayton for those of you who are of course on the podcast listening, what they do is they, and correct me if I’m wrong Clayton but just in a nutshell, what Morris Invest does is it finds properties that they can purchase mainly in the 40 to 50,000 level all-in. So they buy it for 25, they put 15,000 of work on it, and they’ll even put a renter in for you pretty much. It’s already set up. And the property management’s taking care of things like that, and you’re all in. You cut ’em a check cash for $40 to $50,000.

So Clayton, how do you find deals that people can get a hold of homes, and what kind of areas are these homes in that you can be able to get the deals and actually have good tenants in them?

Clayton Morris: Right. Well we buy a lot in the Midwest, so my main bread and butter is in the Midwest. That’s where my team is located, where my offices are. And so most people have this coastal elitism. I’m on the east coast, and I think Holy you’re on the west coast?

Holly: I’m on the west coast, yup.

Clayton Morris: So there’s that coastal elitism. My wife’s from the San Francisco Bay Area, and you’re telling me I can buy a house for 45, 50, $60,000 dollars for a house in the Midwest? Three bedroom two bath, two bedroom one bath? Yeah, guess what, that’s where most of America lives. And oh, that must be a total dump. No, guess what? That’s where most of America lives. They’re normal, blue collar neighborhoods where everyone’s at work during the day, they’ve got parks, they live near grocery stores. It’s not like you’re going to Beirut after a war. I can show you war zones in New Jersey you do not want to go into.

But that’s not where I invest. I invest, if you drive up and down the streets, you’ll be there for 10 minutes, you’re like okay I’m bored. All these houses look the same. They’re 1,000 square feet, 900 square feet, bricks, small, yard, driveway, no one’s home, they’re at work. That’s what I invest in. They’re near local hospitals, they’re near factories, Amazon distribution centers, General Motors, all those places. And those are the tenants that live there. They work at the local hospitals, we just rented to the principals of a school. That’s a typical tenant. Postal employees, been with the U.S. post office for 17 years.

Nate: So what is the difference, if you wouldn’t mind Clayton, there’s different grades of properties, A B C and the like, of graded properties that you can buy. I don’t even personally know, I’ve heard of them, I’ve researched them a little bit, I don’t really know what makes them get a certain grade. But what is the sweet spot would you say? What’s the difference between the different A B C rated properties, and what would you say is a sweet spot property to get the most ROI but still not have to worry about tenants that are gonna mess the house up and not pay you for three months and all that?

Clayton Morris: There’s no hard and fast rule for a clarifier, classifying neighborhoods. But the way, and I’ve shot a whole bunch of YouTube videos on this exact series where I talk about the difference between A B and C neighborhoods. My favorite neighborhoods are C class neighborhoods. So what is a C class neighborhood? Well first let’s start with an A class, because I think it’s helpful to frame it. An A class neighborhood are going to be your 2500 square foot homes, two car garage, a lot of moving parts in an A neighborhood. You’ve got schools, people that live there probably make maybe $100,000 a year in income, you’re gonna have garage door openers, garbage disposals, central air conditioning, nest learning thermostats on the wall. You’re gonna have all these bells and whistles. That’s an A class neighborhood.

Those are the worst neighborhoods, in my opinion, to invest in. You’re gonna have the biggest trouble with those types of properties, you’re gonna have the most repairs, you’re gonna have the neediest tenants, you’re gonna also have the most volatility. Because in a down economy, it’s not the driver who delivers the milk who will lose his job, it’s the man who is in the office who tells the driver where to deliver the milk that will lose his job. We see this time and time again. The milk still needs to be delivered. The mid-level manager who’s sitting there directing him in the air conditioned office is the likely to be downsized and excised.

We see this time and again. We saw it in Detroit, we see it in the areas that I invested heavily where those who bought in C class neighborhoods didn’t see any dip in their rental income. If they invest in the same blue collar neighborhoods that I do. Why? Because those people still have those jobs, furthermore they’re gonna rent ’cause it’s even harder to get a mortgage on the property. So A class neighborhoods have the highest volatility and biggest swings. B class are you’re gonna pay a lot less for the property, your ROI is gonna be decent, not great like in a C class neighborhood. And it’s on its way to becoming an A class neighborhood. I say anybody who has a portfolio of like 30 properties, you might want to pepper in one, two, three, or four B class properties, maybe for a little bit of an equity play in your portfolio. But the bulk of my properties are always gonna be C class because I can get the highest ROI, I can add the most value to that property, it’s on its way to becoming a B class, I can get tenants that are gonna stay a long time where they’re not going to have the volatility, they’re not gonna lose their jobs, they’re not gonna leave, they can stay for a long time. And that’s been the case, any investor I’ve ever talked to in the real estate world, I ask them where have you had the most trouble with your rental properties? They always say A class properties and that’s why they don’t buy them anymore.

Nate: I would agree, and with A class properties, it definitely is gonna be much more expensive to keep up with the property as you said, just because they have nicer things. Any time you have to replace it, it’s gonna be far more expensive than a C class. And in my short experience with real estate, not extensive, I found that for the most part, a three bedroom house in an A class versus a C class, the rent is not unbelievably different. Proportionality, I would say. I don’t know about you, but proportionately, the people who are renting a three bedroom home in a C class may be paying 800, 900, and A class might be 1400 or 1300.

But you have to pay over two or three times more just to get the property, and the rents don’t follow suit. You’re not making two to three times more in rent, is what I’ve seen. And that’s probably one of the main reasons why you would go more for the C class because still good property, still good tenants. We’re not getting down to the F class where it is guns everywhere and crime is out of control. But I would assume that’s probably one of the main reasons is you just don’t get the same bang for your buck.

Clayton Morris: Also, over $150,000 in purchase price, rent does not keep up with the cost of the house. So what I mean by that is, beyond that point, rent does not keep up with the amount you would pay for the purchase of that property. So for $150,000 is really the cutoff. So what I mean by that, let’s say you’re renting for 1,000 in $150,000 property. Well okay, you would think that if I bought the house for 200,000, rent should be like what, 1500 a month? No I paid $250,000 for that house. Oh okay, so rent should probably be $2,000 a month. Well I paid 250? It should probably go up to 2500 a month.

The truth is that it doesn’t. And it goes up very, very low, a very low amount considerably. So it doesn’t keep up with that ratio. So you may go from $1,000 a month if you bought it for 150, and let’s say you’re paying 200,000, maybe you make $1,050 on rent for that property. 250,000? Maybe $1100 in rent. But it doesn’t go up incrementally, it doesn’t keep up. So my cutoff, I would never buy a single family property particularly for more than 150,000. My properties are gonna be in the 40, $50,000 range all day long.

Nate: And you, I believe, are mainly for the people who are coming in to buy your properties, it’s more of an all cash buy for the property. We’re normally not dealing with banks or things when you’re buying a $50,000 home, which is great for the audience that we have here at living wealth and dollars and nonsense because of what we do with infinite banking, building policies, having cash values ready to keep in motion. This is a great place to do so. My question, I had a question for almost personally, which is how difficult is it if you wanted to buy a block of properties, to go in after you purchased ’em with cash if you wanted to refinance the so you could go buy more? Is it a difficult process because of the price of the home, or because you own multiple ones … I guess how would that process work for anybody who wanted to supercharge it?

Clayton Morris: So what a lot of our investors do is yeah, we used to back in the day try to be all things to all people and allow people to buy properties with financing. And then what we would find is it’s just such a pain to deal with banks. And usually our properties sell within a few minutes when we get them in, and then they close like seven to 10 days later because that’s our buyers are paying with cash and it just closes quickly. Now cash can be any number of things. It could be they borrow from their 401K, not withdraw from their 401K, but borrow as a loan to themselves. Maybe they’ve got a home equity line of credit that they’re leveraging, maybe they’ve got cash on hand in the savings account, maybe they’ve got an IRA, so that’s cash in my mind. Maybe they even have private money from Uncle Timmy. That’s how that works as well.

So then they would close quickly, and we would look at a property that’s still sitting there not being closed on our white board. Like why is one two three main street not closed yet? Oh it’s because this individual is trying to get financing on the front end. And we just stopped doing that years ago. And now what most of our buyers do, will close with cash and they’ll pull the equity back out either doing a cash out refinance or they’ll take out a home equity line of credit on a property, and then they’ll roll that into another investment down the line. Or some don’t. Some people don’t like debt at all. So they will wait about three years for the cash flow from the property to basically to have paid to back, because that’s basically how quickly the investment will pay itself back, about three and a half years with the cash flow from the tenant.

So after three and a half years, they use that cash to buy another property. So there’s any number of ways to do it, but a lot of our investors will do it that way. And now the bank likes working with you, ’cause now you have skin in the game ’cause you brought the property, the house is now renovated, and there’s a tenant paying the mortgage that they’re about to put on the property. So it’s kind of a no- brainer for the bank on the backside, as opposed to the front side.

Nate: Great, that’s exactly, just for those of who like to turn on the turbo charger, you have extra risk when you borrow but you can purchase more properties quicker that way too. So there’s a little of a double edged sword there. So anyway, Clayton, that is really about out of time. I wanted to give you the floor here at the very end as well just to make sure that you’ve gotten everything that you wanted to tell the audience here, and we’ve gone through quite a bit but I wanted to at least give you an opportunity to wrap up with telling us a little bit more about Morris Invest.

Clayton Morris: Yeah, if that’s something that’s of interest to any of your listeners, we offer a 30 minute free phone call. So if you think it’s a fit for you or something you want to get involved with, come on over to our website, just my last name Morris like the cat Morrisinvest.com, and just click on the schedule a consultation button. And one of my team members will just jump on the phone with you, and we want you to download the freedom cheat sheet ahead of time so you can have a sense of what your freedom number looks like. And we’ll see if it’s a fit. We’ll talk to you for like 30 minutes and find out what your goals are for real estate investing, what you’re currently investing in, and we’ll see if it’s a fit. We’ll answer any of your questions.

And my podcast, that’s really where you guys have been a guest, and thank you for doing that. We deep dive a lot of these subjects. We talk about taxes, we talk about power of infinite banking, and other methods of investing on the investing and real estate podcast. So either of those places would be great to connect with people.

Nate: And yeah, if you are a client of Holy or mine and you’re listening to this, or anyone here at living wealth and you’d like to know how to start using your policies to fund deals like this, let us know. I’m sure we’d be happy to walk you through it. Holy, any last words on your end before we close it down?

Holly: Well I think that really the key there, and what Clayton has really shared, is finding your financial freedom number and really having a positive view about money. And the fears that you have taking control of the fears in order to really achieve financial freedom would be my one takeaway. I think Clayton’s given you several ways and ideas to find financial freedom through investment properties, and actually given you resources to find that out as well.

Nate: Absolutely. And there’s a goal in front of you as well, which I like about that freedom number. But thank you guys for being on, this has been Dollars and Nonsense. If you follow the herd, you will get slaughtered.

Holly: For free transcripts and resources, please visiting livingwealth.com/e26.